EX PARTE DOCKET ENTRIES AND DOCUMENTS WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC. The NEF for an ex parte entry filed by counsel will only be sent to the filing party.
Select the Sealed Documents (in Public Cases) link. Select Ex Parte Document and click Next.
Add your case number and select Find This Case. If filing in a criminal case, you may need to indicate the defendant case where this ex parte document will be filed. Click Next.
Civil Criminal
If the hyperlink contains the correct case style, select Next to continue. If not, stop your filing and determine the correct case number.
Select the filing party. If you need to select multiple names, hold down the CTRL key while selecting. After proper selection, select Next.
The filer will be warned that the Ex Parte Document event is NOT for Ex Parte Motions.
Add the pdf file of the main document. In the Attachments section, add the pdf files and properly describe each exhibit/attachment. When finished uploading, select Next.
If your document links to another document in the case, check the box and select Next. If your document does not link to another document in the case, select Next to bypass second screen. If you indicated this filing should link to another document in the case, select the document then click Next to continue.
A filer access notice will appear confirming that your entry will only be available to the filing parties and their attorneys. Select Next.
A filer will not be able to modify any text. Verify entry and correct PDF source information. If the final text does not reflect your filing intent, discontinue the entry by clicking the menu bar and beginning again. Click Next to file the document.
Notice will be sent to counsel for the filing party. NOTE: Your PACER login and password are required to view restricted documents.