EX PARTE DOCKET ENTRIES AND DOCUMENTS WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC. The NEF for an ex parte entry filed by counsel will only be sent to individuals selected by the filing party.
Select the Motions link. Select the appropriate motion relief(s) from the Available Events section on the left. Reliefs sought should be selected in the order in which they appear in your pleading title. When all selections have been made, scroll to the bottom of the list and select ~UTILITY-Exparte Docket Entry.
The exparte utility must ALWAYS be used in conjunction with a motion relief. The Selected Events section on the right should have at least two lines, one for the type of motion being requested and the other, the exparte docket entry utility. If all is in order, click Next
Add your case number and select Find This Case. If filing in a criminal case, you may need to indicate the defendant case where this ex parte motion will be filed. Click Next.
Civil Criminal
If the hyperlink contains the correct case style, select Next to continue. If not, stop your filing and determine the correct case number.
Select the filing party. If you need to select multiple names, hold down the CTRL key while selecting. After proper selection, select Next.
Add the pdf file of the motion in the Main Document section. In the Attachments section, add any pdf exhibit files and properly describe each exhibit/attachment. When finished uploading, select Next.
Click Next on the Deadline screen
A selection screen will appear, giving you an opportunity to select who should have access to the docket entry and document. Make your selection(s) and press Next.
A reminder screen will instruct you to go back if you did not make a selection on the previous screen. Click Next to continue.
A modify screen will appear, allowing you to add descriptive text. Adding additional text is optional. Only select an item from the dropdown prefix box if applicable. Click Next to continue.
Review the final text for accuracy. You can use the back arrow to return to the previous screen to correct typographical or gramatical errors. If the final text does not reflect your filing intent, discontinue the entry by clicking on the menu bar and beginning again. Select Next to continue.
Notice will be sent to the individuals picked on the selection screen previously. NOTE: Your PACER login and password are required to view restricted documents.