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Certificate of Service (for electronic service in social security)

General Order 17-07 provides for electronic service in social security cases. Paragraph (2) states as follows:

(2) Plaintiffs who wish to avail themselves of electronic service shall:

A. Provide the USAO-EDOK and the Denver ORC with a copy of the summons and complaint by email to both and; providing the summons and complaint to the USAO-EDOK and the Denver ORC by email will serve as service on the United States Attorney General as required under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 4(i)(2). The email shall include the identifying information set forth in General Order 16-5; and

B. File a Certificate of Electronic Service through the Court's Electronic Case Filing ("ECF") system indicating when the summons, complaint and identifying information were emailed to the USAO-EDOK's and the Denver ORC as set forth in subparagraph (A).

(3) Service of a summons and complaint under electronic service will be considered complete only when both steps in paragraph (2) have been completed.

Civil Forms
E-Filing Instructions: 

The certificate of service is a standalone document and should contain a case caption which includes the name of the court, the parties and the case number.  The title of the document is CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE.  The body should contain text similar to the following:

I hereby certify and return that on the _____ day of _______________, 2017, I completed electronic service in accordance with General Order GO 17-07 of the Summons, Complaint and personal identifying information upon the U.S. Attorney via e-mail and the Denver Office of the Regional Counsel, SSA via e-mail  I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing statements are true and correct.

The pleading should contain a signature block formatted in compliance with the Court's CM/ECF Administrative Guide.

Revision Date: 
Thursday, June 4, 2020